- 2025年1月12日
- 文章来自: dgukedu
- 分类: 雅思备考
Compare and summarize the changes of Conference Center
The two maps demonstrate the expected changes of the layout of a conference centre in the future. It is obvious that the car parking lot will be able to accommodate fewer cars, while there will be more spare for relaxation.
It terms of the inner layout, when going through the door, people will see the reception area, with a café on the right hand next to it and toilets on the left. The plan tells that a fitness center will be built to replace the café.
Through the reception area, there are two meeting rooms on the left hand and a hall left. After the plan achieved, the two meeting rooms will be divided into three meeting rooms and the grand hall will be replaced by a café, a kitchen, and a new hall.
Right to the whole building, there is a car park which is linked to the road via a small path and a garden. In the plan, two new entrances will allow people walk straight into the parking lot from the meeting area. Besides, the garden will be enlarged to the double size of the original one.
These two maps clearly predict the change taken place in a particular conference center in the future, compared with the current layout.
Clearly, the main hall currently is located right in the center of the map but will be reduced and planed to make way for a small cafe and kitchen in the top center of the map, so that the original cafe to the downside of the main hall is expected to be reconstructed as the fitness center. Additionally, the area used for two connected meeting rooms and in the left center of the map are predicted to be divided into three separated meeting rooms. Besides, without any change, both the toilets and reception will be still there and next to the fitness center.
For the outdoor facilities, the main road is expected to be still in the bottom of the map, directing from left to the right, however, the path connecting to the car park from main road will be removed, as the field for car park is planned to be deducted and those reduced areas will be turned into the enlarged garden.
Overall, this particular conference center will pay more attention to the recreational facilities with expanded garden and constructed fitness center.
Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler without using the technology. Agree or disagree ?
1. 必须承认的是,过于依赖科技会把人们变成机器的奴隶,所以有必要远离科技。举例,如果我们能减少使用电脑,手机,电视的话,我们就不会每天处理过量的不必要的信息,也能够把精力和时间更多的花在家庭,阅读和锻炼上。 同样,如果人们能放弃使用汽车而采用汽车出行的话,则交通堵塞和车祸就会减少,人们在汽油上的开销也能节省,健康也能得到保障。
2. 当时,一个简单的生活方式无法离开科技的帮助,因为让人们的生活变得容易,便利是科技的本质。举例,正是有了那些先进的电器,如洗碗机,洗衣机,微波炉,扫地机器人,我们才可以摆脱那些繁琐的家务活。
Nowadays, new technologies and devices have had revolutionary influences on all aspects of human life. Some people think the use of technology should be inhibited, for the purpose of reducing the complexity of daily life. Personally, I partially agree with this assertion, while it overlooks the convenience modern technologies bring to the public.
On one hand, overdependence on technologies makes modern people slaves of machines, so that the isolation from technology can simplify and better our daily life. For example, today, cellphones are the first disturber, which blurs the border between work and leisure, by forcing users to receive and handle messages and transactions from employers, co-workers or clients whenever and wherever possible. Contrarily, if this device is limited or banned after work, all people can return back to a peaceful and balanced lifestyle, as well as truly enjoy the time in family, holidays and entertainment. In addition, in terms of travelling in urban areas, if urbanites can choose walking or cycling for commuting to work, instead of driving cars, their lives would be lighter, healthier and more economical, because there will be no more concerns about traffic jams and accidents, the fees spent on gasoline and automobile maintenance, and the risks of overweight caused by the lack of exercise.
On the other hand, building up a simple life cannot be apart from the assistance of technology. Actually, it is mainly through the wide use of advanced household appliances that people today can keep themselves from burdensome household chores. For example, in the pre-kitchen appliance age, preparing a meal had to take hours of time, including a complex and hard cooking process of peeling, chopping, dicing, mixing and baking several different food items. Today, however, all people should do is to put the packed food in the microwave oven, press the button of power, and then a heated dinner is on table within minutes.
In conclusion, I think the use of technology in moderation can facilitate our lives and prevent us from repetitively tiring manual labor. However, we should avoid the abuse of technology that might trap our lives into disorder.