- 2025年1月12日
- 文章来自: dgukedu
- 分类: 托福备考
The university is holding a new course. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best?
1. Soccer; 2. Dance; 3. Cycling?
话题分类:Familiar topics
难度一般,对于平时不跳舞的学生来说,难度在于舞蹈的专业术语,如 Samba Walks 桑巴舞步, Open Rocks 开放式摇摆舞, Volta Movement 伏尔塔基本步,由于艺术类的话题听口考试出题概率高,建议考生在考前对于相关素材进行充分准备。好在其他两个类型——soccer 和 cycling——都是运动, 可以从团队运动和个人运动的角度切入。
Everyone knows that team-work spirit is very important, right? If the university wants the students to get to know each other well, soccer is not the course, but THE course to go for. Well, obviously, not many students are musically or artistically inclined so interests in dancing with music flow would not be universal. Cycling, as an individual activity, can hardly join participants together during the course. However, soccer is totally different. Also, if you are interested in seeing your name in the paper, I think there is more of an opportunity to be recognized if you are an outstanding player on a soccer team, rather than being an outstanding performer on cycling or dancing that not many people are interested in. There are exceptions of course, but——Go soccer.