字面看起来确实是那么回事,那让我们把这俩词放进雅思阅读中去看看。在剑桥9-3-2 Tidal Power一篇里,11选5的多选题E选项It could contribute to the closure of many existing power stations in Britain对应的原文句中就有这个词组的出场:Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe. 很明显,在这里是没植物什么事的,更别提神奇的能量植物了。这里用的是plant作为名词的第二个含义a factory or place where power is produced or an industrial process takes place (Oxford English Dictionary),指发电站、工厂,因此在原文中这个短语表示的是天然气、煤和核电站,跟题目中的power station同义替换,答案成立。