MSN上有上百个联系人,却没有一个人可以在你心情低落时听你倾诉;社交聚会上满眼都是熟人,可一转身就已经忘了对方是谁。这种情况就是很多人正在经历的人际泡沫。Social bubble (or interpersonal bubble) describes the situation in which people seem to have a wide range of social connections, but when it comes to real friendship, few remain in the circle. Following the wave of financial bubble and real estate bubble, social bubble is showing up among office workers in recent years.人际泡沫,指一些人看起来结识的人不少,但事实上,真正能称之为朋友的却寥寥无几。在金融泡沫、房产泡沫之后,人际泡沫开始冲击职场人士。Your office drawer is filled with name cards whose owners might be total strangers to you. There are many contacts in your instant messenger that you may never start a conversation with or whose name has slipped from your memory. You may have many friends in your cell phone contact list, but there is no one you can talk to when you are upset.放了一抽屉的名片,却时常想不起来名片后面那张陌生的脸;即时通讯工具里的联系人,很多从不主动去聊天,甚至搞不清对方的名字;手机电话簿里的名字已经饱和,在失落时却找不到一个可以诉说的人