- 2025年1月12日
- 文章来自: dgukedu
- 分类: 雅思备考
我们先要掌握最基本的内容,和音乐相关的身份以及音乐类型(Music genres)。
音乐类型上,我们最常见有流行乐(pop)、古典乐(classical)、民族乐(folk)、摇滚乐(rock and roll)和爵士乐(jazz)。
和音乐相关的身份,现在电视最常见的介绍某某是音乐人(musician),一首歌最主要的三个人:歌手、作曲家(composer)、作词家(lyricist),以及喜爱音乐的人(Music lover)。
这里补充一个小知识点,如果你需要表达喜欢音乐,除了最普通的like music,还可以用一个语料来替代To get hooked on music。
No surprisingly,people have different preferences when it comes to their favorite music genres.Classical fans are said to be quite reflective and highly creative since they're more likely to use music to exercise their brains than their bodies.
首先,音乐最大的一个作用是能够改善我们的心情。很多同学在心情不好的时候,比如失恋了、和父母吵架了、遇到烦心事、学习工作压力太大或搞砸了一些事情,都会选择听音乐来释放压力(To reduce stress and anxiety)和帮助他们缓解痛苦(ease pain)。对于很多人来说,音乐是一种治愈力量(A healing power)。
When people feel frustrated,most of them might choose to turn up the tunes to get an emotional boost.For those music lovers,music has a healing power which helps them ease pain when they suffer from negative emotions.
Once you've got hooked on music,you'll be overwhelmed by the benefits it brings to you.For example,people who are going through a struggle in their life might be easily attracted by Heavy Metal songs,since the strong beat always has a magical power to help them reduce stress and anxiety.
其次,在很多场合或者电影、影视剧和话剧都会用音乐来烘托气氛。这些音乐能让听者感到更紧张(比如在密室)、更加快乐(increase happiness,比如动画片),或者能够活跃气氛(比如在Party)。
很多喜欢音乐的同学还会通过参加音乐会(比如上海草莓音乐节)交友(To get new friends)或者和某个喜欢同一首歌or歌手的人成为了好朋友。
There are many reasons why you should listen to music often.One apparent reason is that,it increases happiness.For example,when people have celebrations or hold parties,they would like to play some joyful tunes to enliven the atmosphere,and that truly helps everyone get excited and involved;Another possible reason is that,music helps you get new friends.That is,it is quite easy to bump into someone who share the same music taste.
最常见的就是你在听音乐的时候会导致注意力分散(Be heavily distracted)。我们在做作业或背书时听音乐可能会导致错误率变高。月半鸭想到以前初高中时有一条定律,考试前一定不能听歌,不然整场考试可能满脑子都是单曲循环,或者默写光想着歌词了。另外,骑车时听音乐可能会导致你没法快速对周围变化做出反应进而增加危险。音量过大或者节奏激烈都会导致你没法集中注意力(Cannot get focused),而且长期如此对听力也会有所损伤,所以现在音乐软件在调整音量时,只要超过一定频率就会有提醒。
Though some auditory learners find it great to study in a place with soothing songs,most people cannot get focused when there are some background music.For example,some students might be heavily distracted by lyrics and rhythms while concentrating on homework.That will also impair their abilities to memorize and recall information.So to some degree,it is actually quite important to reduce sound and reverberation in any space used for learning.